AEON Classic #041

AEON Classic #041

Violets Are Blue… aren’t they? This Satin Viola coloured Aeon Classic is one of the first Valvebucker Mk2 powered guitars ever made. It is featured in our press releases and a number of demos, including the one you can watch on this page – scroll...
DUKE Supersonic #328

DUKE Supersonic #328

Why some guitars feel special and others don’t? “I have noticed that it is often challenging for guitar players to understand why exactly a certain guitar feels special, while another one doesn’t. It could be due to the setup, string gauge, or some...
MOJO Grande #368

MOJO Grande #368

Like embers of open fire I recall vividly the first time we fired up the first Valvebucker guitar prototype – the tubes softly lighting up with that warm glare… It gave me the chills! From those early days of research and development I had the thought:...