Configured with the Guitar Creator
Our Guitar Creator tool allows you to be playful when configuring the specs of your dream guitar – and you see the outcome as you go, without any costs. I love it! Every once in a while this leads to superb results that I never would have come to think of.
This custom built Duke Artisan is a great example of such guitar. It is the first of its kind in Surf Green colour, and also one of the very few Dukes ever made with arctic birch fretboard and matching headstock cap. Beautiful!
Lefty, kinda
I am a lefty as well – but I learned to play guitar right handed cause the teacher never mentioned it could be the other way as well! In the hindsight, it would’ve been so much easier to learn the other way – it would’ve felt more natural.
More lefty guitars than average
Even though I never learned to play guitar the left way, I have ended up making surprisingly many lefty guitars over the years. The first one – a Duke Classic – was for my dear friend Jaakko Siljamo, who was an invaluable help for me during the first years in the business. Then I got a lefty order from Holger Hanenkamp – a lefty gentleman from Germany, who kept ordering lefty guitars for his personal use, and later founded Musikhaus Jever, becoming our dealer! We’ve also built a number (that keeps growing!) of lefty guitars to Juha Torvinen (Eppu Normaali) – and Jerry’s Lefty Guitars (Florida) as well.