An official supplier of Finnish Defence Forces
Didn’t see this one coming
I have to admit that I was caught by surprise when Sergeant Olli Saarinen contacted me and told that Finnish Air Force has agreed to order an instrument from me to be Olli’s official guitar in the Finnish Air Force Band. Whaaat!? Needless to say that I was blown away with excitement for this opportunity.
Guitars from hippies
This was quite an interesting experience for me also regarding the complex procedure in order for my company to be approved as an official supplier of Finnish Defence Forces. It made me nervous too – I thought maybe they’ll back off cause I’m more of the hippie type and never even went to army!
Thank you Olli Saarinen!
Luckily all went smoothly after a lot of paperwork and checkups, and one could say that my instruments are now officially approved by Finnish Air Force. Didn’t see that coming! I want to thank Finnish Air Force for the smooth cooperation and especially thanks to Olli Saarinen for the excellent choice of weapon. And, if I may add – I wish all weapons would be as harmless and joyous as this one!
I guess I could tell you more, but…
By the way – don’t even think of asking me the tech specs of the guitar – it’s all Top Secret Army Stuff. I guess I could tell you, but then I’d have to kill you…