Can the perfect instrument for you exist?
In your heart, you know the perfect guitar is out there – but next to impossible to find. With traditional choices, something seems always off the mark. And ordering a luthier made guitar feels risky – how can you be sure it’s the one? We know how you feel! That is why we created a tool that solves your problem with ease.
What you see is what you get
You can tailor the specs exactly the way you want from our carefully curated choice of options – down to such details as selecting your favourite arctic birch top from our actual inventory of tops. That’s right – the tops you see in the Creator are the exact same tops we have available here, at our workshop in Finland.
Hand made, to be hand played
Having a guitar custom made is a thrill to remember – complete with photos we will send you when making your guitar. When your instrument is ready, we will ship it express to your door – or you can come pick it up from Finland in person. Then it’s time to unbox, plug and play!
Invest in yourself
The best investment you can make, is in yourself. Acquiring a bespoke guitar tailored to your specific requirements can be thought of as such an investment. An instrument capable of transforming your passion into music, the universal language of emotions.
Invest in value
Does a custom guitar hold its value, you may wonder. One can always speculate on the expected future value of a rare collectible – but one thing is for certain. The highest level of quality is always remembered long after the price is forgotten.
Invest in the future
Everything we make has an impact on people and the planet. You and I can do our part simply by consuming less – by investing in goods that will not be thrown away. You never actually own a Ruokangas. You merely look after it for the next generation.

Many of you familiar with my work already know that our online tool - the Guitar Creator - is an ingenious way to configure the specs of your dream guitar. But that’s not the only way - there are many more options how you can buy my instruments.
order a custom instrument
You can simply email or give me a call and we’ll begin a good old one-on-one dialogue about what your perfect custom guitar could be.
buy from our page
Waiting many months for a custom made instrument is not everybody's cup of tea. If you want it fast see what we have in stock right now.
You can buy our instrument using trusted banking method of your choice. Our instruments are also insured in case of accident of transport